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Meet The Team

The smell of meatballs frying and the aroma of Sunday gravy simmering on the stove reminds us of home and family.  Singing, dancing, and cooking was our way of showing love for each other.  The kitchen table was and still is, where cherished memories are made. Oh, and the desserts were the best to go along with great food and conversation.

Sharon’s love is home cooking.  She is a business consultant professionally and has written a book, a true story about love, loss, and healing.  She resides in Milton, Delaware with her husband Lee.  She loves the ocean and her tabby cat, Bonsai!

Lee is a structural steel worker by trade. He loves the outdoors and creating from nature. 

Sharon's Ministry

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

- Philippians 4:13

I praise a good and loving God. I am forever faithful to serve Him. He put me here on earth for a purpose. As long as I am breathing, I will tell all that I know about God. I hope to help others to understand that He loves you so much. True happiness comes to those who have faith in the Lord.

You are my ministry. I learn from you dear friend. You teach me so much. Many have poured their hearts out and shared their family stories with me. I just listen. We bless each other. I am amazed how God moves in our lives -- how He brings us together. We need Him. Remember, all we have to do is ask and He is there for us. There is a reason we are together today. I have said over and over to the ones that have come to me to pray for them or their situation. God has chosen us. He loves us. He will help us no matter what. Just ask! Just serve! Just believe!